Wednesday, 15 June 2011


Yo YA's

just noticed Rearview has proposals open for 2012, they are super chill and just except whatever as an application. If you're interested you should talk to Paul who runs the place, he's a super nice guy and up to talk about the potential for ideas.

new website!


Sunday, 12 June 2011

Remedy Part 3

Hi All

Here is the third installment of remedy, this part has the skipping performance, enjoy. I know its a little small if anyone wants a copy you can give me a dvd write so I can copy it in a higher resolution that works o a DVD Player.

Cheers Aaron

Saturday, 11 June 2011

next YA meeting :)

Hi all,

I think I just sent an old email so please disregard it. Sorry for any confusion.

This week YA will be meeting on Friday 17th at 5pm in Inez's studio again (is that ok Inez?) I think this works well as everyone will be finished assessment.

We can talk more about Gui's idea, and we thought that it might be nice to do a few trust exercises so that we can create a space where people feel like they can be open with each other (perhaps an important starting point to this exciting project).

Another thing I've been meaning to say is that as it stands I have a list of about 60 people that I email. Obviously not all of the 60 come to meetings, and it can get a bit unmanageable at times so I'm going to cut down the list to the people that have actually been coming to meetings, unless people expressly want to be notified. So, please email me and tell me if you still want to be on the list otherwise I will only keep the people who have been coming. It's time to get serious :)

Perhaps on Friday we can also talk about different possible ways of structuring YA organizationally, creatively, etc.... I had a tute with Lisa Radford a couple of weeks ago to talk about YA/DAMP/Collectives generally and she had some really great advice on how to run/ keep the momentum going with these things....she also gave me a lot of great books/shows to look at that look at Collectives and Collaborative practise, so I will post these on the blog. So yeah, maybe we can discuss these things.

So Friday 17th 5pm, Inez's studio..... See you all then if not before :) xx

Friday, 3 June 2011

Remedy Part 2

Hi Ya all

Here is the second installment of Remedy,
some more Great Performances,
'let your eyes' indulge on the feast that is Remedy'.

Remedy part 2

Cheers Aaron

Remedy part 1

Hi People

Remedy was a big success, Thank you to Georgie for organizing it
you did a fantastic job, and thank you to all the acts that performed
they were fantastic and Intresting.

so Here is the first installment of the Performance
'Remedy Part1' enjoy everyone.

Cheers Aaron

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Well done to everyone at Remedy last night!!! Big thanks to Georgie for organizing such a swell evening.
Maybe Aaron could upload some of the video onto the blog for those who missed it?

Sorry to the acts whom i don't have photographs of mainly Mina's wonderful hot dog eating piece and the Art school Non orchestra (I couldn't bang a guitar and photograph at the same time!).
Here ya go peeps, enjoy.

x Sarah K