These are small, humble, nice quiet-time spontaneous events; small windows of opportunity for everyone/anyone to experience and respond quietly to individual YA members’ work/exhibition/studio space/performance.

To be more specific as Georgie said  “[a silent crit is]where a group of people sit for a period of time with someone's work in silence, and write down anything that come to mind.This could range fomr something as simple as how the work makes them feel, to poetry, to HARDCORE critique :) anyways whatever!"

Check the YA main pages for updates on when and where to assemble if you wish to be involved and give your two cents.

JUNE 3RD 2011

Responses to 
Lotte Schwerdtfeger's studio, VCA Painting department.

MAY 20th 2011
The first silent crit converged around three studio's in the VCA Painting department.

These were:
Anna Ng
Aaron O’Brien
Max Plumley

And here are some responses to their work: