Saturday, 16 April 2011

Now Ve Are Young Artistes, Darlinks!

Hello my Friends

Congrats on getting the blog and the co-operative up and running, and for allowing those of us who are not so young, but are definitely young-at-heart to join in. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I'm so excited by this group. You are all so talented and enthusiastic and warm and welcoming, it is a privilege to be part of it. Afterall, the Situationists, the Dadaists, the Viennese Aktionists, DAMP, they all must've started out in a group like ours. Yay, yay, YEAH!!!

May I add just one wee little beastie thing. My heart sank a smidgen when I saw the letters 'INC' after our name. Maybe I'm being a little too sensitive, but having worked in the corporate system and my spirit having died a thousand deaths whilst doing so, I felt a bit depressed. I'm sure you know that an organisation incorporates into a company and takes on the suffix 'inc' purely to announce to the world that they are now operating to make a profit ie. are happy to exploit the weak and vulnerable 'losers' of this world, in order to become 'winners'. Seems so far removed from our lovely collective of people who care muchly about each other, the community and the joyful nature of being involved in doing creative things together. Not saying that we can't make a living from our art, but surely that isn't the reason why our collective wants to exist? Tell me if you think I am taking it all too seriously. Maybe you were being ironic. Hey, why not INK instead of INC? It's a bit more obviously ironic and also relates to that wonderful artistic practice of mark-making. Any thoughts friends?
Inez or Izzy or Izzie xx

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